Newark Methodist Church, Newark, DE, 1998


The Newark Methodist Church Building is one of the most prominent landmarks on Main Street.  Built in 1865,it is the third building to be owned by the Methodist Church in Newark, which was started in 1799 by a iterant preacher named William Chandler.   The original building was the Tyson Chapel (also known as the Wesley Chapel), built by Issac Tyson, a miller, on Chapel Street in 1805.  This building was, until 1843, the only church building in Newark.  The second building was one built on  the present site in 1852.  But this building was destroyed by fire in 1861.  Between 1861 and 1865, the congregation held services in the vacated Village Presbyterian Church building on Main and Chapel Streets.  A unique feature of the present church is the periodic chimimg of its carillonic bells during each day, providing religious music to the downtown area.

Medium: Colored Pencil
Print Size: 11" X 14" Cost: $75.00
Mat Size: 16" X 20" Color: White

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